Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stage6, death is a natural cycle. Like roadkill.

I honestly don't know where to begin with this. I was pwning some noobs at Battlefield 2 and all of a sudden my phone is ringing non-stop. Mind you it's in the wee hour of the night and I don't like being disturbed while flying my F-22 on Sharqi Peninsula. (That was a trick statement for all you Battlefield 2 wanna-be's out there.)

Anyways, one of my worker bees informs me that Stage6 just got hacked. 

"DUBAU TEE EF!?" I said.

Apparently some Acid Burn thought it would be a good idea to take down the greatest site on the internet. Well I got news for you and your hacker friends...

I hope you're proud of yourselves. If you happen to know the douche that hacked my baby, break his fingers for me would ya plz k thanks.